The first analysis I'm designing is, of course, a zeroeth-order Markov. Fancy language aside, what it boils down to is this: did the species use a certain word (melodic or rhythmic) in a certain sample? So a zeroeth-order Markov simply deals with the innate "quality" of certain words over other words, not taking into account ANY contextual variables.
Problems are arising with this general framework. It's very difficult to obtain certain state values to populate the matrix because of the grammar engine design. The melodic and rhythmic data streams are asynchronous, so melodic events don't necessarily line up with rhythmic events, which makes finding synchronous data (like perception data) very difficulty. Apparently I've messed up in trying to separate the streams because some of the preliminary statistics are doing some strange things.
On top of all that, the analysis is a LOT slower than I thought it would be, even after serious reconstruction and optimization. I knew that it would take a lot of loops and recursions to do the analysis...but I thought the computer would just chew through them. Already a simple zeroeth-order Markov analysis on the melody alone costs about 2.6 seconds. Using that number and extrapolating, a second-order Markov analysis would take a whopping sixteen minutes, which is simply unacceptable. And that's only to level-up once. I'm definitely going to have to figure something out there.
While I'm running into some obstacles, EvoSpeak is still advancing steadily and I'm confident that the analysis functions will soon be fully-functional.
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