Sunday, March 1, 2009

Progress Report #7

A Quick Off-Topic Note
I spent the passed week in Boston visiting MIT (for those who aren't sure what that is, it's the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, widely known as the best engineering/mathematics university in the world, check it out at It was everything I expected and more...I'm simply in love with it. I met with many people there, including a professor of computer science and contributor to the field of cryptography working closely with the National Security Agency, a physics graduate student helping design a massive laser to detect and prove the existence of gravitational waves as postulated by Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, a famous composer and opera writer, and a programmer responsible for an innovative music composition tool. What a week. Now the only problem: 10% admissions rate. Ouch. Wish me luck.

I actually did a lot this week. I took my laptop with me to Boston and worked on the program every night. I finished a progression module that works based on the interval observations I posted in my blog a few days ago. It turned out quite nicely, and I'm continuing to refine it.

By far the most productive thing I did this week, however, was meet with Tod Machover (or here), a well-known composer, opera writer, digital composition innovator, and just about everything else you can imagine. After getting over my initial feeling of awe when I met him, I managed to talk with him for a good while and told him about my project. He was genuinely interested and gave me some suggestions but overall seemed to think I was heading down a very promising path. He also introduced me to Peter Torpey, one of the programmers that helped make the Hyperscore software a reality. Peter also took a great interest in my project after I explained it in a fair amount of detail to him. He told me to keep in touch and let him know how the project goes. So I may have found some BETA-testers for my project! (That's a technical term for the people that test a software before it gets released) Peter also told me that a modularized structure (like the one I currently have built in my program) is definitely the way to go. He also said creative interfaces are important for making things intuitive to the public.

  1. Render a music sample
    Obviously this is a recurring goal for me. I have yet to achieve it, just because I don't want the first music sample to be embarrassingly bad. I know it won't be great, but I want it to at least sound somewhat like music. I think I'm getting pretty darn close to achieving this goal.

  2. Read more of Music, the Brain, and Ecstasy
    This is an important part of my research. I'm doing heavy note taking and annotating on this book.

  3. Organize everything into Noodlenotes
    In order to prepare for my research portfolio, I'll need to organize what I have into NoodeNotes. I should also start printing screen captures of the program's interface so that I can visually prove some of the work I've been doing. Ideally I could even have a sound clip as part of my portfolio.

  4. Expand the progression data structure
    This is a pretty specific goal. Right now the progression data structure stores everything in terms of which notes will play and how long they will play. I should at least separate the chord from the bass note so that I can have interesting splits between bass and treble.

  5. Add capabilities for post-processing
    I need to make the program capable of running post-processing modules after it finishes running generative modules. An example of a plugin that would fall under this category would be one that applies a swing groove to the piece, or perhaps various playing styles. This is done after the actual notes of the piece have been generated.

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