Thursday, January 8, 2009

Two Research Questions

Question: can algorithmic composition be used to compose a creative, coherent, and above-all good-sounding score?
Key Words: algorithmic composition; genetic algorithms; fractal algorithms;
Strategies: bring together creative algorithms and modules of varying types within an overarching framework to create coherency; use variation and stochastic processes to create creativity; use expert systems (heavily coded with music theory) to make sure it sounds good

Genetic composition algorithms; talks specifically about designing an “ear module” that can filter the search space of the solution to a good composition

Resources for algorithmic composition

Question: can a human eye and the intelligence to interpret its output evolve within a bounded timeframe (3.8 billion years or less) from a simple patch of photoreceptor cells?
Key Words: evolution; natural selection; Darwin; irreducible complexity; intelligent design

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