mGen Total Lines of Code: ~36,510 Last Updated: 12/24/09
Short-Term Goals
Add capabilities for post-processing
Build a percussive plugin built on a grammar engine
Make a plugin for bongos/congas (light percussion)
Helpful Glossary
Algorithmic Composition - the use of computer algorithms to create new music Algorithm - a set of instructions Chord - two or more notes played simultaneously GUI - graphical user interface; refers to the visual part of programs that users interact with Key - the set of all notes that 'sound good' together Progression - the sequence of chords played in a song; the progression generally determines the overall 'feel' of the song, from happy to depressing
Questions to Explore
Why do we enjoy music?
What characterizes a "good" song?
What aspects of music inspire the most emotion?
How do composers come up with new, creative pieces?
Can human musical creativity be recreated with advanced computer algorithms and sophisticated mathematics?